It is the mission of the Girls with Goals organization to inspire, encourage and empower
girls from all nationalities and ethical backgrounds to be the change they wish to see.
Teaching the importance of service, self-esteem and discipline.


City Delegations:
Each candidate will be allowed to choose a city to represent on the
regional stage, however if the preferred city is chosen, the delegate must choose a
neighboring city and submit a summary of why they would like to represent that city.
Age Divisions to Compete:
Mini Miss (7-10) Southern G.W.G 2023
Jr. Miss (11-14) Southern G.W.G 2023
Teen Miss (15-18) Southern G.W.G 2023
Phases of competition:
Decade Wear
Interview/ Onstage Question (Miss Teen Category Only)
Scholarships Awarded:
Mini Miss $500.00
Jr. Miss $1000.00
Teen Miss $1500.00
Miss Admazing: 10% of collection of proceeds maximum award $500.00
People’s Choice: 10% of collection of proceeds maximum award $500.00